Welcome to Sunflower House!

Sunflower House is all about building community – working with partners, creating connections and opportunities, helping people who are going through a tough time.
Our project partners include:

We provide a weekly Warm Welcome on Fridays, Heatlhy Walks, a monthly Repair Cafe, and a range of community workshops and training projects.
Our new satellite space: The Community Room in The Bayle opened on November 1st 2023 and provides a similar busy programme, working with a number of our partners listed above.

We are always interested in projects which offer community benefit and whose values are similar to our own.

How to find Sunflower House and The Community Room
Sunflower House – our main building – is located five minutes from the centre of Folkestone going towards the Park Farm industrial estate – you’ll find Sunflower House on the left hand side next to the amazing 19th Century railway viaduct!
Our postal address is: 45 Foord Road, Folkestone CT19 5AE

Our new outreach building is called The Community Room at 19 The Bayle.
We work in the same way, with partners sharing the running costs and helping us to run a programme of community activities. For latest details, follow our social media!

Please keep in touch with us by signing up for our monthly newsletter – just send us a note on our Get involved page!
We welcome ideas, support, help and – yes – donations of any size.
Right below there is a donation button for our amazing Town Spucer project right here – so why not help us out while you’re in the mood!

On this website, you’ll find information about who’s involved and our vision for Sunflower House as part of a community network (About Us)

There is also a section on how to Get Involved, with a contact form for enquiries and a listing of our main programmes, partners and activities (What’s On)
